vocab championship vocabulary builder tool version 1.00
For a slightly out-of-the-ordinary MPW tool╔
When invoked with "vocab -q" (enter),
vocab presents a simple multiple-choice vocabulary question;
just pick the number of the answer which makes the best concise definition of the quiz word.
To check your answer, type "echo {status}" (enter), following generation of the question.
The only catch to this quiz is that the words are a good deal more than a thousand of the
hardest words used in the GRE's (Graduate Records Examination) in the last eight years.
And╤just to make things interesting╤even if you were to invoke this tool, say, one billion (1,000,000,000) times a day, you probably would have to wait over 22 CENTURIES before you would see a duplicate question. (Or you could dyke the Mac's clock. Your choice.)
Good luck.
for help on-line, type vocab(enter) for help.
This software is FREE; it may be given away, but never sold.
Copyright ⌐ 1990 Grady Ward. All Rights Reserved.
Want the source? Comments? Link D2783, CIS 76166,1075